Who's Hanan Abdel Fattah ?

She's a girl from Mansoura governorate and she is the founder of 1 Step Up and Khatwa co-working space

Who's Hanan Abdel Fattah ?

Hanan Abdel Fattah

She is 26 years old, from the Mansoura governorate center

She studied medical sciences, Department of Diagnostic Radiology

She used to work while she was studying in a pharmacy, then she finished her two-year study in Mansoura and came to Cairo to study for two years and specialize in the radiology department.

She worked as a director of the academy in which a vocational education academy was taught for 3 years .

 About 6 months ago, she decided to take the step of her own business, which is to open the Hip Space as a start, and it was a difficult step to take, and she took a risk and took it and named the place a step in Giza.

Then she decided to take a place in another area, which is 1 Step Up, and of course she was very keen to choose the name as well, which is your first step up.

Her ambitions are very high, and she hopes to have her own academy, and she is striving to reach that, and very soon, she will surprise us with two surprises:

 The first is that, God willing, the academy will open its own, and the second is that it will take an initiative to discuss a very important issue in Egypt and the land of Egypt, and almost like that, she will be the first one she will talk about.

Hanan is a character who is not tidy a little and she does not scratch her time in thinking, I mean if you think of something you will implement at length and any consequences you will meet, you will solve it, but she do not know whether it is a defect or an advantage that she does not think about the consequences, then she will take all things and leave the rest to our Lord.

She always believe in the saying that your success begins with a step, and this is the principle that you deal with. Every difficult thing begins with a step. Every success begins with a step.

It is true that the first step will be difficult, but success and access do not come easily.

The problems she encountered is that she is a girl and her age is young, so anyone who deals with her and knows that she is the owner of the place is surprised, especially since she is the one who runs the place by herself, so they think of her as a secretary and that's just normal, she means

Also, when she goes down to buy the place's furniture and equipment, the owners of the showrooms are surprised when she wants to do what, and when she chooses the basis, they are very suspicious until she pays the bill and walk.

She did everything on her own and went to places, literally, not forgetting how people look at her, because she is at this age when she comes down to buy a foundation, carpets and chairs alone!

But, praise be to God, and thanks to God, she was able to take the step, and in 6 months she made two branches, and she still have a dream that she will reach within the next 6 months.

Of course, she doesn't forget people's support for her, they are true and exceed the fingers, but any word that is said in a time of weakness, she will not forget, and she came to her many times, and she cried because she was alone, and all of this was a lot for her, but she learned from the ordeal and the turmoil and changed her very much.